
I haven’t see the worst people can lobby against an organization like the CSPC.  Not specifically.  I haven’t encountered any real complaints about the concept beyond the all-too-common inability of people to accept what they don’t understand.  Then again, sex positivity is just now permeating deeper reaches of middle America.  My personal experience is tinged with the havoc sex-negative people wreak on society. Gratefully, the Seattle community will continue to provide a strong sex-positive example for many years to come. 

Any group establishing a non-profit community must nurture it through opposition during infancy. The successful are typically veterans we look to for guidance, at least on that particular topic.  Willingness to stand up for something you believe in is admirable, even if the soldiers aren’t fighting your war.  And naturally, returning war heroes maintain close affection for the things they protect.  In time, healthy communities strengthen and develop into something self-sustaining.  We all want to see our kids grow up, right?

Spearheading change without concern for profit relies on a steady base of support from the community.  Not just the financial support but also dependable feedback.  People in charge are tasked with protecting the group from haters and their methods are based on experience in the trenches.  Things that work, work.  Rules are made to help guide newcomers and maintain consistency.  The Honor System works to a certain level and legalities need to be observed so ranks of authority are developed.

Working out the kinks (pun intended) is part of improvement.  Progress slows when caretakers start to take changes personally.  I learned from my Pappy, who was pro-racism to the grave, personal prejudices in upper management often exclude good people for the wrong reasons.  My ideas on personal freedom and self-expression are fairly basic.  A macro-philosphy of Be Nice or Leave, most people at least understand The Golden Rule.  Discretion and benefit of the doubt should be weighed against old fears and potential evolution.

Until I find my niche, I hope to set an example others can live by.  I’m comfortable doing that because my gains are a combination of hard work and patience.  Moderation is my most obvious Achilles heel.  I battle that with equal parts self-awareness and indifference.  This particular community might not be where I find my place but I’m certain it will help me flourish.  Like I say, I support good venues because they have to exist before we see any good art.

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