Category Archives: CSPC

Vanilla, 3 Scoops

For my birthday this year, I wanted a sexual fantasy.  I wanted to be the submissive center of attention for 15 minutes at a sex club.   My leather daddy is out of town for Burning Man so I’m didn’t get the VIP treatment he spoiled me with in May.  I put too much faith in chance and planned my party poorly.  I ended up with two enthusiastic men but I’m no stranger to the devil’s threesome so it was a lackluster event in my greater scheme.  It’s my fault really.  Shouldn’t have expectations in the first place.  Continue reading Vanilla, 3 Scoops


Monetarily I’ve gotten much more than $40 worth of parties out of my CSPC AYCE card. It’s impossible to do everything and actually enjoy myself so I chose carefully. The Unleashed! party, held as a fundraiser for SEA-PAH, is the most revealing experience I’ve had and worth far more than the $10 donation. I went into the party mostly ignorant but optimistic. As Brad Pitt says, I like dags.  Continue reading Puppies!

Sex Club

The first rule of Sex Club is there’s no drinking at the sex club.  Unlike almost every other sexually charged social event I’ve attended, there is no drinking at CSPC parties.  One of the inherent rules in any consent culture is that you must be able to give consent.  The only way to feel safe in some situations is knowing you and your partner(s) are lucid and willing.  For me, sobriety makes everything even sexier.  I don’t need to lower my inhibitions to ask for what I want for the first time in my life. It’s empowering. Continue reading Sex Club


The title to the party stresses the PER.  A subtle difference from emphasizing PERV.  Most of the other parties I’ve visited at the CSPC definitely focus on the perv.  True to my introvert passion, my main interest at this party is writing while in the space.  I believe certain locations retain energy people have invested there over time.  If I unhinge my mind a little I can usually feel the aura of the place.  I guess I’m a hippie like that.  Trust me, sapiosexuals think I’m a hottie.
Continue reading Introperverted

Leather Hairdresser

I’m glad I waited for the real thingContinue reading Leather Hairdresser

Sensational Suspense

Getting tied up is a pretty classic fetish. Hanging from the ceiling while tied up is a little more elaborate. In the world of try it before you deny it, I expected to hang once and never again.

The bruises and rope burn coupled with second day soreness is about what I anticipated. The pure joy I felt – completely unexpected.  Swinging violently through the air, giggling like a school girl on the playground.

Much like mountain climbing, suspension play takes effort, focus and various carabiners. Those working together must communicate well and trust each other.  The end reward is a new perspective on the world around you.

There’s also decorative rope tying.  That’s sexy in a different way.  I’m excited to explore the bondage side of BDSM further.  Next time I’m gonna get my hands tied into reverse namaskar and go for a supported backbend.

Ellipses Menses

It’s been a stressful month. Some of the stress is fantastically good but that doesn’t make me less tense. My period started early and has lingered too long. I haven’t done enough yoga to compensate and the result is a menstrual ellipsis instead of just my period. Mother nature likes to remind me of my limits when I fly this close to the sun.  Continue reading Ellipses Menses


I haven’t see the worst people can lobby against an organization like the CSPC.  Not specifically.  I haven’t encountered any real complaints about the concept beyond the all-too-common inability of people to accept what they don’t understand.  Then again, sex positivity is just now permeating deeper reaches of middle America.  My personal experience is tinged with the havoc sex-negative people wreak on society. Gratefully, the Seattle community will continue to provide a strong sex-positive example for many years to come.  Continue reading Uptight