Category Archives: PAX Prime

Day 1: PAX Prime

Riding up the escalator pressed in a warm mass of humans, it finally hits me – I’m back at PAX. Exactly as last year, organized chaos seeps out of the walls. Endless entertainment for anyone patient. Non-stop frustration if you attempt to plan any goals. I float nondescript, occasionally stopping at a vacant table to learn something new.

I bought a game called Superfight. It’s a better version of Cards Against Humanity. Better for me at least.

I also checked out a game called Hob. This is a game I will play.


I haven’t seen this much flannel since the mid-90s. Still, I feel at home. Often I forget my appearance. Nondescript most of my life, changing my hair color doesn’t change that. Worried about the intimidation of a big city, decked out in all its individuality. A debutante ball for introverts.

Detached from the results, this is my time to be odd in a sea of strange. Smiling and eager, I can’t get enough of the discomfort when I talk to a stranger without preamble. Southern accent, overalls, purple hair. I fit right in here. Fun to be around.

Patience and openness guarantees a good time. No room share facilitates good sleep. Liking who I am exemplifies why I came here. Surrounded by chaos, even sitting still is entertaining.

I want to reach out to the heart of the world and show them the serenity of a faceless mob. We’re all here to have fun. Be nice or leave!


I’m in a window of shamelessness that only arises before a true vacation. Planned since February, the extent of relaxation is proportional to depth of commitment. A singular experience to consume my voluntary time 2300 miles from here. Complete anonymity. Simulated Alzheimer’s, meeting the same people 4 days in a row.

If I get a job offer, I can be moved in a month.

I am eerily calm. I want to be there and am patiently counting the hours. The perfect escape, ripe for the picking. Clutching hold, Tantalus in quicksand, refusing to let go.

I fly.

Gathering Magic

Having visions.
It’s my job, as the artist,
To give life
Make seen what only I can see
I understand these duties.

Willingly accept.
A soldier in the war
against mediocrity.
Shine on
Crazy Lucy
Wither diamonds.

Still unsatisfied
Goals are so few.
My pace is slacking
Momentum lost
Never forget
Untap, Upkeep, Draw.

Perfect defense
Only gets you one point.
The only point of life
that matters
is the last one.

Church of Dave?

I want to go sit cross-legged in the middle of the music.
Capture the brilliance with a thousand words.
A thing observed, changes.

Women are taught to observe themselves monthly.
Men don’t look until something goes wrong.
Yoga helps no matter what.


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June 22

I am a singular person and a walking cliche.

I move through the line
Aware of the appearance
Still wondering
How far I can go.

Self awareness is not comfortable
It averages out well if you
stay true and humble
What I think of me matters

In search of healthy conflict
I know the key to surviving
is wrapped in acceptance
Loving east as I move west.

It warms my heart
Enveloped in the bestDaily life I’ve ever known
Alone for the first time.

These Precious Things

Dear god, help me.

I want to play Heroes of the Storm so frickin bad.

The main chink in my gaming armor is Starcraft. Kerrigan is a rare female in the gaming world. She’s truly feminine yet she’s one of the darkest super-villians ever created, regardless of gender.  Her superpower is basically intuition and her soft spot is true love.  She’s sexy as hell – think Jean Gray meets Mystique meets Nightcrawler.

jean_grey_by_quibly-d57upyk Mystique_2000 Nightcrawler_by_spiderguile

I haven’t even caught up on the expansion to Starcraft II yet.  Adult life can be that way sometimes.  Now I have to play it before PAX.  Gamer life can be that way sometimes.

PAX: The Lines

The first thing I read about PAX was to plan for lines.  An endless thread about expecting lines and dealing with lines and the silver linings to lines, ad nauseam.  Seriously, I think I got a cavity while reading about how great it is to meet people in lines.  I half expected there to be a local bar called Lines just so the circle was complete.  Turns out there’s a place called Shorty’s that pretty much fills that slot; I still get the trademark on Lines(TM).  Maybe Gabe will draw me a logo?  But, I digress. Continue reading PAX: The Lines

PAX Prime 2014, Part 1

I spent 4 solid days at PAX Prime 2014 and all I can say is, people. So MANY people.  Just…  a lot.  As a whole, that’s pretty much 75% of the takeaway from my first Expo.  The sheer size of this event is hyperbolic.   And as they say, if you build it….  Branded as a Gaming Expo, the variety of exhibitors is astoundingly broad.  I encountered so many interpretations of the word game I think the only thing missing was a dedicated “Head Games” area where emotional vampires could go to feed. Continue reading PAX Prime 2014, Part 1