Category Archives: Yoga

January 2017

The days of trusting my gut are only beginning and no one can make me second guess those decisions anymore. Having a good time doesn’t happen in just one place. This artificial time delineation is the easiest to wrap my tiny human brain around. New Year’s Day feels fresher after all the parties instead of hungover, like the day after Halloween. For the next month I’ll do at least two things every day. Yoga and writing. Forcing my thoughts out into the open is the only way to flush out good ideas. The yoga is for my sanity. Continue reading January 2017

Job Opportunities

Raining when it pours. Snowing when it’s cold enough. I’ve gotten two job offers this week. Both because my friends stepped in to help me out. Just reinforces what I believe in the first place – I’m worthless until someone vouches for me. Not so bad considering how many people need help to get started. Especially here, in a place where I’m alone. The people helping me didn’t even ask for a good reason. They just like me, regardless of what I can offer them in return. Fortunate for them, I have quite a bit to offer. Continue reading Job Opportunities

Inking Feeling

I’m ready for work on Monday. A shock to my system akin to cold water, sometimes chilly water is the only way to do it. There’s a river in middle Tennessee that fills an old cast iron tub with ice cold water. To the brim. Nearby there’s a small sauna, big enough for maybe a dozen people if everyone gets friendly. If you’re lucky there’s a eucalyptus brew in the air. Great for curing that sniffle. Continue reading Inking Feeling

Wham, Bam, Thank You Sir.

Driving east, I’m oddly at ease. Bryan is the most honest man I’ve ever met and he’s in his element on a night like this. Confidence soothes my nerves. I have every right be apprehensive. As transformative moments go, this party has potential to make the Top 5. Not that I keep track of that sort of thing. (Puberty, Yoga, Prozac, Storytelling, Driving alone across America – if you do keep track of that sort of thing.) Tonight is a friendly gathering of kinksters at my leather daddy’s house. Four days ago I texted Marten, “If you wanna tie me up Saturday night and make me a party favor for select guests it would make my weekend ;-)”  Continue reading Wham, Bam, Thank You Sir.

A Nice Boy

My date last night was pleasant. He’s a persistent fellow. Kept in touch with me on Tinder for weeks, a notoriously inconsistent medium. Rewarding dedication, we met in person and chatted about all types of things. He let me ask questions about growing up in another culture and I talked intelligently about yoga with another human for the first time in months. His interest in me seems genuine, even if it’s misplaced. Overall the experience was a 5 of 10 – mainly because we were at the Mecca and that adds an automatic +2 to any situation. Continue reading A Nice Boy

Crazy Talk

I’m legit crazy. I’ve taken Prozac for the past two and half years to combat my ailment. I have another drug I take to keep my mood level because I’m not bipolar but still have self-destructive mania if I can’t keep it together. My hope is to find regular employment and be self-sufficient. This feels so impossible I’ve started self-identifying as disabled on my job applications. It only seems fair to warn them about my crazy.  Continue reading Crazy Talk

Pot Shoppin’

I had an interview with a recreational cannabis company today.  I believe it went well.  I have no reason to believe I’ll get the job but I don’t think I made a fool of myself.  Small victories.  Continue reading Pot Shoppin’


I’ve settled into a weekly routine and it feels great. It seems I’ll have just enough time in my real life to keep working on my passion while working a different job for a living. After extensive struggle, I’ve finally risen to the same creative level as Memphis artists! Accomplishing this in downtown Seattle is a coup for me no matter what the haters say. I essentially abandoned the lap of luxury to chase this half-cocked dream across the country. It’s excellent to be stable again for the first time in years.  Continue reading Monotomoney

My Daily Practice

The regularity of a job has been the greatest gift to my sanity recently. The stress I’m managing due to the job itself is minimal compared to the heavy existential angst I put myself through to get here. And what’s better, the job offers 4 sessions of free counseling through a 3rd party. I got stressed out and started crying in front of my boss. Fortunately, I anticipated it and asked to talk in private. I am excited about Labor Day weekend and I am irrationally worried about having the energy to be happy that weekend.  Continue reading My Daily Practice