Category Archives: Yoga

Good Books

There’s a hot bartender that I would never have the nerve to talk to. She holds up a Murakami book and I lose all pretense. Norwegian Wood was a beautiful way to discover someone else’s pain. After that, I know my pain is real and I’m not the only person that feels it. One of my first baby steps toward seeing the unity within us.  Or something.  Continue reading Good Books


I order an Amazon Pantry shipment about once a month. That means I only get candy once a month. It’s like a game. Let’s see how long I can make this candy last. I would rather have a little bit of sugar every day than all the sugar I want with dry spells. It’s how I’ve approached almost every vice I have. I don’t indulge enough to leave myself wanting. I’ve started applying this to my emotional attachments with varying success.  Continue reading Candy

Sensational Suspense

Getting tied up is a pretty classic fetish. Hanging from the ceiling while tied up is a little more elaborate. In the world of try it before you deny it, I expected to hang once and never again.

The bruises and rope burn coupled with second day soreness is about what I anticipated. The pure joy I felt – completely unexpected.  Swinging violently through the air, giggling like a school girl on the playground.

Much like mountain climbing, suspension play takes effort, focus and various carabiners. Those working together must communicate well and trust each other.  The end reward is a new perspective on the world around you.

There’s also decorative rope tying.  That’s sexy in a different way.  I’m excited to explore the bondage side of BDSM further.  Next time I’m gonna get my hands tied into reverse namaskar and go for a supported backbend.

You should do yoga.

Everyone knows you’re supposed to stretch. The thing with yoga is that it’s not stretching. It’s creating space. Just stretching temporarily makes you feel longer/freer/looser. Creating space is a more permanent goal. With regular yoga you discover space in-between things you thought were rigid. Like ribs. And pelvic bones.

Around here, I’m different just like everyone else.  It’s a cashmere sweater in July – comfortable but not what I need.  Everyone’s pretty much the same no matter where you go.  The big question is what I’m doing.  Productivity measured in time or money doesn’t make any sense.  The amount of words is a gauge for how much time I’ve put in but it doesn’t reflect any kind of worth.  The only thing I have to go on is my gut.  That’s what got me into this mess.  Continue reading

APB – Yoga Sutras

yogasutrascoverI can’t find my copy of Light on the Yoga Sutras. Of all the books I’ve written notes in, this is possibly the most irreplaceable.

This is very distressing so if you see this book with my handwriting in it, contact me immediately.

On a related note.  If anyone wants to get me a late Easter present I have my eye on this copy of the Sutras.

Wearing Down

I’ve had a daily obligation to yoga for about 7 days now. From 2pm until 7pm I am in yoga class. Only about an hour of that is actually doing yoga. The rest is getting myself clean, dressed and transported to the studio in time for the 4:30 class and then there’s another hour on the bus after class to get back downtown. It’s a big daily time commitment for a hobby.  Something only the privileged can really manage easily.  So ironically, if I had a job by now, I’d never be able to enjoy this yoga intensive.  That’s my silver lining to unemployment.  Continue reading Wearing Down

Janu Sirsasana

3 days into the intensive and my mind is already blown. Observing my pose, the instructors casually mentions that benefits of janu sirsasana are enhanced the more obtuse the angle between my legs.  Continue reading Janu Sirsasana


My job, starting Monday, is to go to yoga class every day Monday through Friday and be present in everything I do there.  Continue reading Yoga!