Metal Show

In Memphis, local metal and punk bands are booked hand-in-hand.  It’s the only way the scene can survive down there.  The amalgamation of all loud music into the same niche exposed me to more metal than I’d choose and the raw energy is enthralling.  I feel like showmanship counts more than usual when metalheads take the stage.  The music demands a presence that other genres don’t have, except maybe pop stars.  In Seattle, local bands have room to breathe into their genre of choice and full-on scenes of people to perform for.  I’m not convinced this freedom makes for better music. 

The metal show I attended last week was mediocre at best.  The opening group was essentially a bad White Zombie cover band, sans Rob. Not bad for the effort but the choice to use no stage lighting detracts from what might be an enthusiastic performance. Especially from the youngest-looking of the band members. Trite chord progressions and over-rehearsed screaming complete what I don’t really look for in metal.  The second band was okay in an amateurish kind of way. The “frontman” is an immobile lump and his lung capacity seems to slow the rest of the band down. On the bright side, more consistent practice would make for a better show.

The headliner band was a blast.  Theatrical presence and the right amount of energy for the crowd.  They wore black grease paint masks and enough black clothing to make exposed skin look ghostly pale.  In contrast to the previous performance, the lead singer in this group was so dedicated to his role he literally fell off the stage and kept going with the fervor of a man on amphetamines. The crowd was ample and I joined in some dancing on the front row just to say I did.  Inspired enough to take a few pictures, I forgot to take note of any band names.  I didn’t expect to even write this.  What am I doing here anyway?

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