Category Archives: Games

Around here, I’m different just like everyone else.  It’s a cashmere sweater in July – comfortable but not what I need.  Everyone’s pretty much the same no matter where you go.  The big question is what I’m doing.  Productivity measured in time or money doesn’t make any sense.  The amount of words is a gauge for how much time I’ve put in but it doesn’t reflect any kind of worth.  The only thing I have to go on is my gut.  That’s what got me into this mess.  Continue reading

Nothing Better

I adjust my hips on the 2-person vinyl bench seat.  The driver’s profile sways as the bus trundles down the south end of I-5.  Another 17 minutes until home.  The setting sun paints the horizon with pinks and oranges, catching the contour of every wisp of cloud in the sky.  The white ice caps of the mountains stand out like neon punctuation as telephone poles measure out the frames of my existence.  I understand why people rubberneck a  car accident.  It’s probably the most interesting thing they’ll see that week.

The bus is nearly empty after rush hour traffic. The trip south is short one unless you are trying to get past downtown. Then it feels like forever. Stopping and starting at all the familiar stops. Bar. Lobby. Noodle shop. Starbucks. Bar. ATM. Cafe. Smoke shop. Noodle shop. Bar. I wonder how some places continue to exist. I don’t see people enter or exit. The doors could be painted on brick walls for all I can tell. I wonder if I’ll ever get off the bus and find out for myself.  Even the thought smacks of effort. Continue reading Nothing Better

Slice of Life

A new source of pride in our economy is what you can do with an internet jukebox.  The game is getting your best value.  That means finding the right mix of music that represents how broad your taste is while remaining obscure enough to keep the plebeians from recognizing the chorus and singing along.  Prices are on the rise, so only real music lovers play this game.  Others use a defensive response to tune it out. Tuning out annoying sounds is a prime survival skill in the city. I’m doing it right now to write this – except I’m not because I paid for the jukebox and Freddie Mercury is encouraging me to go on with the show.  Continue reading Slice of Life

Twitter Anxiety

I don’t understand the language of Tweet quite yet. I got a Twitter a few months ago for the same reason I got a Facebook a few years ago – it’s just part of being a part of the digital world. I really appreciate my past self for her foresight. After my livejournal debacle in 2003, I recognize the value of keeping quiet. There little online evidence of what I’ve done with the first part of my life and thankfully I don’t remember a lot of it.

I’m listening to an interview with Robert Khoo and I want people that like things I like to hear it. And I’m a total fan-girl. So you tweet that, right? Do I tag the man himself or is that presumptuous? My upbringing makes me extra sensitive to things like etiquette so I’m totally overthinking things. Still, there will one day be standards taught to BBA graduates on how and when to use meta conversations. Maybe I’ll write the book.

The literary equivalent of art directing is called editor. Rookie writers are great at producing too much. After you get a surplus of ideas the most valuable perspective is what to keep. In some ways, detachment from my inner artist makes me the best critic. I might be blossoming into the perfect Human Resources manager. I just hope I don’t starve to death before then.


I checked the spelling of quandary on Google today.  The first link is a game.  A flash game about empathy and morals, I think. Naturally I have to explore this.  There’s a little game I like to play called Dismantling the Intent Behind Preachy Allegory.  Not really, but my cynicism compels certain behavior and it’s useful to know how far off the center I am at times.  The artwork is a rudimentary version of those Children’s Bible Stories I read in fancy doctor waiting room.  It’s like a trigger, or something.  Continue reading Quandary


Two things happened today.

I had an emotional breakthrough that advanced my overall progress as an adult.

I also went to a board game party that was entertaining and relaxing.

Neither are activities I expected and both have changed the course of my social life for the better.  I have more to say but this is not the place or the time.  Learning new things can be quite exhausting.


I met a great person over the weekend. He’s a nice guy that I really enjoy and he seems to like me a whole bunch in return. So I figure this is the perfect time to try out Tinder.  Just like not going to the supermarket hungry, I don’t want to try out the most effective hookup app of all time when I’m desperate and lonely.  It’s much easier to spot sketchy people when your self-esteem is recently boosted.  It’s probably why getting job offers always seem to come in clumps too.  Continue reading Tinder


My entire squad died on the first mission. It’s gonna be a great sequel.  Continue reading X-COM 2

Child of Light

The further into the game I get the happier I am.    Continue reading Child of Light