Wild Ponies

Tonight, I jumped into a practice that has a doe-C-doe tempo.  Country music has a way of putting a smile on my face even if it’s about something sad.  The time signatures on Things That Used To Shine send me through a flurry of standing poses for one song and then give me a languorous restorative moment the next.

I needed to do something active at the end of the day and when I do a whole lot of standing pose sequences in a row, I sweat.  Then again, I sweat when I’m nervous too.  So who knows?  But this got my heart pumping and I was able to get very big muscles warmed up really quickly.

The only reason I could do this in my tiny studio apartment is because  of my yoga chair.  That one prop gives me so many choices I don’t have to come back to tadasana until I switch sides.  If you want a daily practice, I’m pretty sure having a good chair is key.

Post yoga chair.  For taking a load off.
Post yoga chair. For taking a load off.
Yoga chair.  For balance.
Yoga chair. For balance.

Better yet, two chairs.  For different types of support.

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